Employment of Foreigners under Concluded International Agreements

The employment of foreigners under interstate or intergovernmental agreements, as appropriate, is mostly governed by universally binding legislation unless these agreements provide otherwise. In certain cases, limits approved by contracting parties and applicable to a certain period of time or, where appropriate, a range of persons who are subject to better conditions than the general scheme are associated with these agreements.

Certain mutual employment contracts with countries that joined the EU on 1 May 2004 (such as Slovakia, Poland) remain in force, with the provisions of those contractual documents being replaced with those of Community Law (acquiscommunautaire).

New Zealand - Agreement on Working Holiday Scheme

On 1 September 2005,the Agreement on Working Holiday Scheme between the Government of the Czech Republic and the Government of New Zealand came into force ( Collection of International Treaties No 93/2005 Coll. of IT (1,09 MB)), which can be used by citizens of the Czech Republic in the territory of New Zealand as well as citizens of New Zealand in the territory of the Czech Republic.

Citizens of New Zealand entering the job market under this Agreement do not need an employment permit to work in the territory of the Czech Republic (see Article 98e) of Act No 435/2004 Coll., on Employment, as amended). The employer is obliged to notify the relevant regional office of the Public Employment Service of these people starting work in the Czech Republic ( specimen information for download (337,65 kB)).

To enter the territory of the Czech Republic for the purpose of the working holiday, citizens of New Zealand need a long-term visa, which they can obtain at the Visa Department of the Embassy of the CzechRepublic.

Canada - Agreement to Facilitate Youth Placements

The Agreement between the Czech Republic and Canada concerning the facilitation of temporary work stays of youth (http://www.mzv.cz/ottawa/en/visa_and_consular_services/youth_mobility/czech_republic_welcomes_young_canadians.html) came into force on 1 October 2007, making such placements available to young Canadian citizens in the territory of the Czech Republic as well as young Czech citizens in the territory of Canada.

Canadian citizens who will meet the requirements of this Agreement and obtain a residence visa for more than 90 days in compliance with this Agreement are entitled, as long as the above visa is valid, to accept a job in the Czech Republic regardless of the labour market situation andwithout needing an employment permit. The employer is obliged to notify the relevant regional office of the Public Employment Service of these people starting work in the Czech Republic ( specimen information for download (337,65 kB)).

Republic of Korea - Agreement on Working Holiday Program

On 1 June 2012, the Agreement between the Government of the Czech Republic and the Government of the Republic of Korea concerning a Working Holiday Program came into force (http://www.mzv.cz/seoul/en/news_and_activities/agreement_between_the_czech_republic_and), which can be used by citizens of the Czech Republic in the territory of the Republic of Korea as well as citizens of the Republic of Korea in the territory of the Czech Republic.

Citizens of Republic of Korea, who, in accordance with this Agreement, intend to spend their holiday in the Czech Republic and working will be only the secondary purpose of their stay, are entitled , as long as their visa is valid, to accept a job in the Czech Republic regardless of the labour market situation and without needing an employment permit. The employer is obliged to notify the relevant regional office of the Public Employment Service of these people starting work in the Czech Republic ( specimen information for download (337,65 kB)).

State Israel - Agreement on Working Holiday Scheme

On 19 September 2016 the Agreement on Working Holiday Scheme between the Government of the Czech Republic and the Government of State Israel ( Collection of International Treaties no. 45/2016 Coll. of IT (982,19 kB)), which can be used by citizens on the Czech Republic in the territory of the State Israel as well as citizens of State Israel in the territory of the Czech Republic.

Citizens of State Israel, who will participate in working holidays programme are entitled to take up employment in the Czech Republic without a work permit for a period not exceeding one year from the entry into the country and for one employer may not work more than three months.

The employer is obliged to notify the relevant regional office of the Public Employment Service of these people starting work in the Czech Republic ( specimen information for download (337,65 kB)).

The Republic of Chile – Agreement on Working Holiday Scheme

On 1 November 2016, the Agreement between the Czech Republic and the Republic of Chile on the Working Holiday Scheme entered into force ( Collection of International Treaties No. 55/2016 Coll. of IT (1,58 MB)), which can be used both by citizens of the Republic of Chile in the territory of the Czech Republic and citizens of the Czech Republic in the territory of the Republic of Chile.

The employer is obliged to notify the relevant Regional Office of the Labour Office of the Czech Republic about the commencement of these citizens working in the Czech Republic ( specimen information for download (337,65 kB)).


From June 1, 2012 for the Czech Republic for all of these agreements establish
a uniform code of visa

Additional Agreements you can find at Mezinárodní smlouvy a Memoranda.


Poslední aktualizace: 25. 7. 2023