Žádost o zařazení do evidence uchazečů o zaměstnání a žádost o podporu v nezaměstnanosti můžete nyní vyřídit online v aplikaci Jenda: Klientská zóna Jenda.
Here you can find detailed information about conditions under which foreigners are permitted to work in the Czech Republic. You can learn how foreigners and employers must proceed.
Citizens from EU/EEA countries are invited to visit the EURES section. Here they can find detailed information about life and work in the Czech Republic. They can also receive support from EURES Advisers.
Search of private employment agencies granted by MLSA, Application form for a permit to broker employment, Summary of Activities.
Information about the legal status of EU/EEA and Swiss citizens and their family members. Obligations of employers.
Job offers for foreigners. A foreigner can search for vacancies or submit his/her CV. Foreign job-seekers can search the same vacancies database as Czech citizens; only the default search settings are adapted.
You can download the different forms needed for foreigner employment procedures.